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Organofilik Kil

Organophilic clay refers to clay minerals that have undergone a chemical treatment to render their surfaces oil dispersible. This modification process involves coating the surfaces of clay minerals such as organophilic bentonite and organophilic hectorite which possess a plate-like structure with oil-wetting agents during the manufacturing phase.

Organofilik Kil

Petrol Sondaj Çamuru İçin Organofilik Kil

Müşteri çok mutlu, geliştirilmiş izleme prosedürleri. Ama lise futbolu okçuluğunun yazarı, sadece okları alıyor.

Solvent Bazlı Boya İçin Organokil

Müşteri çok mutlu, geliştirilmiş izleme prosedürleri. Ama lise futbolu okçuluğunun yazarı, sadece okları alıyor.

Su Bazlı Boya İçin Organokil

Müşteri çok mutlu, geliştirilmiş izleme prosedürleri. Ama lise futbolu okçuluğunun yazarı, sadece okları alıyor.

Gres İçin Organo Bentonit

Müşteri çok mutlu, geliştirilmiş izleme prosedürleri. Ama lise futbolu okçuluğunun yazarı, sadece okları alıyor.

Kozmetik İçin Organokil

Müşteri çok mutlu, geliştirilmiş izleme prosedürleri. Ama lise futbolu okçuluğunun yazarı, sadece okları alıyor.

Mürekkepler İçin Organokil

Müşteri çok mutlu, geliştirilmiş izleme prosedürleri. Ama lise futbolu okçuluğunun yazarı, sadece okları alıyor.


Solvent Bazlı Organokil

Su Bazlı Organokil

Organofilik Kil

Sondaj Sınıfı Organofilik Kil

Boya Sınıfı Organokil

Gres Sınıfı Organoclay

Kozmetik Sınıfı Organokil

Mürekkep Sınıfı Organoclay

Organofilik Kil

Organofilik Kil

Organophilic clay becomes highly compatible with oil-based systems, making it an invaluable additive for oil-mud applications. By enhancing the clay’s affinity for oil, it enables improved dispersion and suspension of oil droplets in drilling fluids, thereby contributing to better drilling performance and efficiency. The utilization of organophilic clay as an oil-mud additive represents a significant advancement in the oil and gas industry, sondaj operasyonlarına gelişmiş stabilite ve işlevsellik sağlar.

Organofilik kil ve organofilik linyit her ikisi de petrol sondaj çamurunda kullanılır. Sadece aynı uygulama alanında sözde performansları farklıdır..

Organokil Nedir??

Organokil, yapısına organik moleküller eklenerek değiştirilmiş bir kil türüdür., bu bir jelleştirici ajan. Zhejiang Camp-Shinning'in organokil ürünlerine genellikle sodyum bentonit veya kalsiyum bentonit gibi doğal kil mineralleri eklenir. Organofilizasyon işlemi, organik bileşiklerin bağlı olduğu kil için yeni bir yüzey oluşturur. Kilin genel yapısı doğal formuna benzer kalır. Bu, değiştirilmiş organofilik bentonit kilinin belirli polimerlerle karıştırılmasıyla veya kildeki organik bileşiklerin polimerleştirilmesiyle nanokompozitlerin oluşturulmasına olanak tanır..

Bu modifikasyon, organofilik kilin herhangi bir endüstrinin farklı alanlarında kullanılmasını sağlar.. Organik solventler ve yağlarla geliştirilmiş uyumluluğa sahiptir, eşit şekilde dağılmasını ve süspansiyonları veya emülsiyonları stabilize etmesini sağlar, Petrol ve gaz endüstrisinde özel olarak kullanılır ve faydalıdır, ve boya ve kaplama imalat sanayi.

Zhejiang Kampı'ndaki parlaklıktan elde edilen organokiller de reolojik katkı maddesi olarak kullanılabilir, sadece dispersiyon maddesi değil. Gelişmiş reolojik kontrol sunar, geliştirilmiş stabilite, artan viskozite, ve tiksotropik davranış. Bu, organofilik kili birçok formülasyonda değerli katkı maddeleri haline getirir., ürünlerin daha iyi performansına ve verimliliğine katkıda bulundukları yer.


Organofilik Kil Mineralleri

Organofilik kil mineralleri simektitlerin birleşiminden oluşur., özellikle bentonit ve montmorillonit, Goetit ile birlikte. Smektitler genişleyici özellikleriyle bilinen bir grup kil mineralidir., yani katmanları arasında su moleküllerini şişip emebilirler. Montmorillonit veya bentonit, organofilik kil formülasyonlarında sıklıkla bulunan iki yaygın smektit türüdür..

Götit, organofilik kil formülasyonlarında sıklıkla bulunan başka bir mineraldir.. Kil karışımına ilave özellikler kazandıran demir oksit mineralidir.. Goetit kil yapısının stabilitesine ve gücüne katkıda bulunabilir. Organofilik kil mineralleri özellikle organik maddelerle uyumluluğun olduğu uygulamalar için uygundur., yağlar gibi, çözücüler, ve polimerler, gereklidir.


Organofilik Kil Nasıl Yapılır??

Organofilik kilin üretim süreci, şişebilen kil içeren su bulamaçlarına onyum bazının eklenmesini içerir.. Bu işlem onyum bazının kil ile reaksiyona girmesini sağlar, organofilik kil ürününün oluşmasıyla sonuçlanır.

Süreci başlatmak için, şişebilen kil içeren su bulamaçları, montmorillonit veya nontronit gibi, hazırlandı. Bu kil, suyu absorbe etme ve katmanları arasında genleşme özelliğine sahiptir.. Su bulamaçları sonraki reaksiyon için bir ortam görevi görür.

Daha sonra su bulamacına bir onyum bazı eklenir. Onyum bazları tipik olarak kuaterner amonyum bileşiklerini ifade eder, which contain a positively charged nitrogen atom surrounded by organic groups. These organic groups play a crucial role in making the clay organophilic.

When the onium base comes into contact with the clay particles in the water slurry, a reaction takes place. The positively charged nitrogen of the onium base interacts with the negatively charged clay surface, leading to an ion exchange process. During this exchange, the original interlayer cations of the clay are replaced by the onium base cations, resulting in the modification of the clay structure.


Preparation and Characterization of Natural Rubber/Organophilic Clay Nanocomposites

The preparation and characterization of organophilic clay nanocomposites involve the incorporation of fillers that are uniformly dispersed within an elastomer matrix. Organophilic clay are also called natural rubber. This incorporation of fillers leads to notable enhancements in the physical and chemical properties of the resulting material.

A raw clay material, such as montmorillonite or bentonite is commonly utilized. Montmorillonite and bentonite are types of clay mineral that consists of nanolayers of silicate arranged in a stacked structure. These layers are separated by galleries that contain metal cations. In its natural form, montmorillonite has limited compatibility with polymers.

To make organophilic montmorillonite or organophilic bentonite, a process called organophilization is employed. Organophilization involves modifying the clay material to render it more compatible with organic matrices, such as natural rubber. This modification is achieved by intercalating or replacing the metal cations present in the clay’s galleries with organic compounds, typically surfactants or quaternary ammonium salts.


Synthesis of Organophilic Clay

Organofilik kil, can be synthesized using montmorillonite and bentonite clay minerals. These clay minerals serve as the starting materials for the modification process. By treating the montmorillonite and bentonite with organic compounds, such as quaternary ammonium salts or surfactants, the organophilic clay chemistry transformation, rendering them organophilic.

The modified montmorillonite and bentonite clays can then be utilized for the preparation of polystyrene/clay nanocomposites. These nanocomposites consist of a polymer matrix, in this case, polystyrene, with organoclay particles dispersed uniformly throughout. The incorporation of organoclay in the polymer matrix leads to improved mechanical, thermal, and barrier properties compared to conventional polymer composites.

By synthesizing organoclay using montmorillonite and bentonite and incorporating it into polystyrene, researchers can create nanocomposites with enhanced properties. The characterization methods applied enable a thorough analysis of the synthesized material, providing valuable insights into its structure and performance.


Advantages of Organophilic Clay

One of its key advantages is its ability to spread easily and yield quickly when combined with different substances. This means that when organophilic clay is added to diesel oil, petrol, reduced BTEX base oil, organophilic clay mineral process, or artificial base fluid formulations, it quickly disperses and integrates with the surrounding medium.

The high-performance efficiency of organophilic clay is particularly notable in these applications. It enhances the performance and functionality of the base fluids by improving their stability, viskozite, and overall performance characteristics. Örneğin, when used in oil-based sondaj fluids, organophilic clay aids in suspending and dispersing solid particles, leading to better drilling efficiency and lubrication.

It can be used in a wide range of applications, including oil and gas, paints and coatings, yapıştırıcılar, ve dahası. This adaptability stems from its compatibility with various organic substances, making it suitable for formulating different types of products. Organophilic clay exhibits good compatibility with different types of oils, including diesel oil, petrol, and mineral oil. This compatibility allows for easy blending and incorporation of the clay into these oil-based systems, resulting in improved performance and stability.



Yukarıda belirtildiği gibi, organoclay or organophilic clay are versatile and can be used in a wide range of industry. These are just the following of the products that establish organophilic clay in their product formulation.


Organophilic Clay in Drilling Fluid

Organophilic clay CP-982 from Zhejiang Camp-Shinning is used in drilling fluid systems as a rheological ingredient to change the fluid’s viscosity, süspansiyon, and filter. By adding CP-982 organophilic clay to the drilling mud, it acts as a stabilizing agent, stopping solid particles from settling and making it easier for drilled pieces to stay in the mud. Filtering is also controlled by the CP-982 organophilic clay in the drilling fluid. It makes a thin, thick filter cake on the wellbore wall, which stops fluids from the rock from getting into the wellbore. It keeps the well from falling apart and keeps water from seeping into the rocks around it.

Another benefit of using CP-982 organophilic clay in drilling fluid is that it stays stable at high temperatures. It can handle the high temperatures that happen during drilling, making sure that the drilling fluid stays stable and works well even in difficult conditions. It also keeps the drill bit from getting too dry and reduces the force and spin needed to drill. It makes digging easier and faster by reducing the friction between the drill string and the wellbore. The fact that Zhejiang amp-Shinning’s CP-982 organophilic clay works well with different base fluids, like diesel oil or mineral oil, makes it easy to make drilling fluids that meet specific drilling needs.


Organoclay Bentonite for Diesel Oil

This is a form of bentonite clay that has been changed in a way that makes it work well with diesel oil. It is often added to diesel oil to make it work better and last longer. Using Zhejiang Camp Shinning’s CP-2 Plus bentonite as an organoclay in diesel oil is that it can successfully break up and hold solid particles in the oil. This trait is very important for diesel fuel systems because it keeps sediments and layers from forming, which can clog fuel filters and injectors. Organoclay bentonite helps the engine run better and use less fuel by keeping the diesel oil clean and free of contaminants.

It is also a thickening agent that makes diesel oil more viscous. CP-2’s thickening effect helps make the fuel a better lubricant. It helps keep the fuel system from wearing out too quickly and extends the life of important engine parts. The CP-2 Plus organoclay bentonite is very stable even when diesel oil is present, and the temperature is high.

CP-2 Plus organoclay bentonite, especially the ones from Zhejiang Camp-Shinning and diesel oil work well together, they are easy to mix and spread out evenly in the fuel system. It is easy to add and disperse to diesel oil when making it or to add straight to fuel as a solution.


Organoclays For Mineral Oil

Zhejiang Camp-Shinning CP-150 mineral yağdaki organokillerin özelliği, viskoziteyi iyi bir şekilde kalınlaştırabilmeleri ve kontrol edebilmeleridir.. Mineral yağın daha kalın olmasına yardımcı olur, onu daha iyi bir yağlayıcı yapar ve birçok farklı durumda iyi çalışmasını sağlar. Artan yapışkanlık aynı zamanda hareketli parçalar arasındaki sürtünmenin ve aşınmanın azaltılmasına da yardımcı olur.

Zhejiang Camp-Shinning CP-150 ayrıca mineral yağ karışımlarının daha kararlı ve güvenilir olmasına yardımcı olur. Petrolün akış yönünü değiştirerek, katı parçacıkların çökelmesini durdurur ve kirletici maddelerin ve yabancı maddelerin yağda kalmasını kolaylaştırır. Ayrıca, Zhejiang Camp-Shinning CP-150 organokiller çok stabildir ve mineral yağ mevcut olduğunda ısıya maruz kaldığında parçalanmaz.

Organokiller, mineral yağın kullanıldığı yerlere sızmasını engellemeye yardımcı olur, like hydraulic systems or industrial lubrication. Zhejiang Camp-Shinning CP-150 organoclay make the seals better. It make a thin, impenetrable layer on the surface, keeping the lube from escaping and reduces the chance of leaks or fluid loss. Closing helps keep the system working well and reliably.

Organophilic Bentonite Clay for Synthetic Oil

CP-10 from Zhejiang Camp-Shinning organophilic bentonite clay is a key part of improving the rheological qualities of synthetic oil when it is added to the oilfield chemicals. It works as a thixotropic agent, making the oil thicker and making it less thick when pressure is applied. Organoclay CP-10 from Zhejiang Camp-Shinning makes it easier to lubricate and reduces friction in different working circumstances. The managed density of the synthetic oil with organophilic bentonite clay makes sure that there is the right amount of film between moving parts. This reduces wear and makes machines last longer.

It has great qualities for staying suspended in synthetic oil as well. Organoclay CP-10 keeps solid bits and contaminants to avoid settle and build up. The oil smoother and better, and it also makes it less likely that gritty bits will damage the equipment.

Ayrıca, CP-10 bentonite clay’s ability to attract organic matter makes it easy to mix and spread evenly in synthetic oil formulas. It can be easily added during the mixing process, making sure the mixture works the same way every time and has the same consistency.


Organoclay Price

The price range of organoclay from Zhejiang Camp-Shinning is approximately USD1800 per metric ton to USD2700 per metric ton. The actual price may vary depending on various factors such as quantity, specific product specifications, market conditions, and other relevant considerations.

The price of organoclay is subject to change over time as a result of a number of variables including the cost of raw materials, the cost of manufacturing, the dynamics of supply and demand, and the trends of the worldwide market. The prices that have been listed are just meant to be illustrative and are subject to change.

It is highly advised that you make direct contact with Zhejiang Camp-Shinning on the current price structure and any other terms or conditions that may apply in order to get accurate and up-to-date information regarding pricing. We will be able to give you with the most exact and detailed price and also product TDS and MSDS information depending on the specifications that you have provided.

Toxicity and Handling

Organoclay dust can potentially cause irritation and redness to the eyes. It is crucial to take precautions to prevent dust from coming into contact with the eyes. Safety goggles or protective eyewear should be worn when handling organoclay to protect the eyes from potential irritation.

It is recommended to avoid direct skin contact with the dust. Wearing appropriate protective clothing, such as gloves and long sleeves, can help minimize skin exposure and reduce the risk of irritation. While ingestion of organoclay is not expected during normal handling or incidental exposure, it is important to exercise caution and prevent accidental ingestion. Ensure good personal hygiene practices, such as washing hands before eating or drinking, to avoid ingestion of any residual material.

To prevent inhalation of organoclay dust, it is crucial to avoid breathing in the dust particles. Work in well-ventilated areas or use local exhaust ventilation to minimize dust accumulation in the air. If dust generation cannot be adequately controlled, it is recommended to use a NIOSH-approved respirator or an equivalent respiratory protective device to reduce exposure levels below the recommended limits.

It is advisable to maintain an eye wash station in the work area to promptly rinse the eyes in case of accidental exposure or irritation. If clothing becomes dusty during the handling of organoclay, it should be laundered before reuse to prevent potential skin contact and irritation.

Packaging and Storage

Organophilic clay from Zhejiang Camp Shinning is typically packaged and stored in a manner that ensures its integrity and preserves its properties. The packaging and storage methods are designed to protect the organophilic clay from contamination, moisture, and physical damage.

25Kg/torba veya PE ile özelleştirilmiş Kraft karmaşık iç kısım

Zhejiang Camp Shinning’s organophilic clay is commonly packaged in 25 kg bags. These bags are often made of a combination of Kraft paper and a polyethylene liner. The kraft paper provides strength and durability, while the PE liner acts as a barrier against moisture and other potential contaminants.

We at Zhejiang Camp-Shinning can customize these kraft paper based on specific requirements or preferences. This may include variations in bag size or additional protective measures to suit the needs of the customer or application.

800Kg/Palet veya 1MT/Palet Ahşap Palet veya Plastik Palet

Organophilic clay in Zhejiang Camp-Shinning is typically stored on pallets for easy handling and to minimize the risk of damage. Two common pallet options are wood pallets and plastic pallets. Wood pallets are commonly used and provide stability and strength. Plastic pallets offer advantages such as resistance to moisture, pests, and rot.

We recommended storage capacity on each pallet is generally around 800 kg or 1 metric ton (MT) to ensures stability and facilitates efficient storage and transportation. Maintain proper stacking and handling practices to prevent damage to the bags or pallets.

16Paletli MT/20FCL Paletli 25MT/40FCL

Zhejiang Camp-Shinning ship organophilic clay in standard shipping containers, such as a 20-foot container or 20FCL, or a 40-foot container or 40FCL. The quantity that can be loaded in a container depends on the weight and size of the bags you requested and the chosen palletization method you wanted. With palletized shipment, a 20-foot container can typically accommodate around 16 metric tons MT of organophilic clay with pallets. A 40-foot container can hold approximately 25 MT with pallets.

Organofilik Kil Tedarikçileri & Çin'deki üretici

Zhejiang Camp Shinning stands out as one of the most reliable tedarikçiler and manufacturers of organophilic clay in China. With a strong reputation in the industry, Zhejiang Camp Shinning has established itself as a trusted source for high-quality organophilic clay products.

Zhejiang Camp Shinning places a strong emphasis on quality control throughout the manufacturing process of each and every organoclay products. We adhere to stringent quality standards and employ advanced testing methods to ensure that our organophilic clay products meet or exceed industry specifications.

We also place importance on efficient logistics and timely delivery. We have a well-established supply chain network and robust logistics capabilities, ensuring prompt and reliable delivery of out organophilic clay products to customers both domestically and internationally.



  1. Organofilik kil nedir?
    1. These are raw clay minerals that its surface is coated with chemical. This what makes the raw clay like bentonite or montmorillonite oil-dispersible.
  2. What is organophilic clay used for?
    1. Yukarıda belirtildiği gibi, it is commonly used in spotting fluids, boyalar, grease and organophilic thickening, emulsion fluids, workover fluids, wastewater management and most commonly in oil-based drilling fluid or oil drilling fluid.
  3. What is the composition of organophilic clay?
    1. Zhejiang Camp-Shinning’s organophilic clay composes of smectites, either bentonite or montmorillonite. You can further provide at the products’ MSDS provided by Zhejiang Camp-Shinning.
  4. How are organophilic clays prepared?
    1. It is prepared by adding onium to water slurries made of raw clay minerals. The onium reacts with bentonite or montmorillonite creating organophilic clay we offer.
  5. Is bentonite organophilic?
    1. Definitely yes! Yukarıda belirtildiği gibi, you can use and process bentonite to make it organophilic. Zhejiang Camp-Shinning specializes in organiphilization of bentonite and montmorillonite.
  6. How does organoclay work?
    1. After the raw clay materials are organophilized, the organophilic clay works by adsorbing surfactant on bentonite or montmorillonite clay surface.
  7. What is in bentonite?
    1. This is a kind of soft clay. It consists of montmorillonite. It is under smectite group of minerals that is made by alteration of volcanic ashes.


Organofilik Kil

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