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Organokil Ürünleri

Organokil Ürünleri : One of the primary applications of organoclay products is as rheological modifiers. Rheological modifiers are substances that alter the flow behavior and viscosity of a system. Organoclay because of its inherent structure and surface modification, can exhibit excellent rheological properties.

Organokil Ürünleri

Petrol Sondaj Çamuru İçin Organofilik Kil

Müşteri çok mutlu, geliştirilmiş izleme prosedürleri. Ama lise futbolu okçuluğunun yazarı, sadece okları alıyor.

Solvent Bazlı Boya İçin Organokil

Müşteri çok mutlu, geliştirilmiş izleme prosedürleri. Ama lise futbolu okçuluğunun yazarı, sadece okları alıyor.

Su Bazlı Boya İçin Organokil

Müşteri çok mutlu, geliştirilmiş izleme prosedürleri. Ama lise futbolu okçuluğunun yazarı, sadece okları alıyor.

Gres İçin Organo Bentonit

Müşteri çok mutlu, geliştirilmiş izleme prosedürleri. Ama lise futbolu okçuluğunun yazarı, sadece okları alıyor.

Kozmetik İçin Organokil

Müşteri çok mutlu, geliştirilmiş izleme prosedürleri. Ama lise futbolu okçuluğunun yazarı, sadece okları alıyor.

Mürekkepler İçin Organokil

Müşteri çok mutlu, geliştirilmiş izleme prosedürleri. Ama lise futbolu okçuluğunun yazarı, sadece okları alıyor.


Solvent Bazlı Organokil

Su Bazlı Organokil

Organofilik Kil

Sondaj Sınıfı Organofilik Kil

Boya Sınıfı Organokil

Gres Sınıfı Organoclay

Kozmetik Sınıfı Organokil

Mürekkep Sınıfı Organoclay

Organokil Ürünleri


When bentonite organoclay powder is incorporated into formulations, it acts as a thickening agent. It can improve viscosity and control over the flow characteristics of the material. The organoclay particles intercalate and disperse within the matrix of the material, üç boyutlu bir ağ oluşturma. This network imparts structural integrity and viscosity.

Bentonite organoclay products also finds application as a viscosifier. These are substances that increase the viscosity of a liquid or material. Organokilin benzersiz özellikleri, malzeme içinde bir etkileşim ağı oluşturarak onun bir viskozite sağlayıcı olarak işlev görmesine olanak tanır., akışa karşı direncini arttırmak. Bu özellik özellikle katı parçacıkların kontrollü ve düzgün dağılımının istendiği uygulamalarda kullanışlıdır., boyalarda olduğu gibi, kaplamalar, yapıştırıcılar, ve sondaj sıvıları.


Sondaj Çamuru İçin

Sondaj çamuru veya sondaj sıvısı sondaj sürecinde çok önemli bir bileşendir. Birden fazla işleve hizmet eder, matkap ucunun soğutulması ve yağlanması dahil, kesimleri yüzeye taşımak, ve formasyon baskılarının kontrol edilmesi. Organofilik kil, bentonit gibi doğal kil minerallerinden elde edilir.. Organofilizasyon olarak bilinen bir süreçle değiştirilir. Bu modifikasyon, kilin doğal katyonlarının organik katyonlarla değiştirilmesini içerir.. Petrol veya dizel gibi organik akışkanlara afinitesi olan bir kil ile sonuçlanır..

Tamamen yağlı veya invert dizel sıvıların kullanıldığı sondaj operasyonlarında, Sondaj çamurunun sürekli fazının yağ veya dizelden oluştuğu yer, organofilik kil ürünleri çok önemli bir viskozite oluşturucu görevi görür. Sondaj sıvısına verildiğinde, organofilik kil parçacıkları dağılır ve organik fazla etkileşime girer, jel benzeri bir yapı oluşturmak.


Boyalar için Organokil & Kaplamalar

Organokil ürünlerinin boya ve kaplamalara dahil edilmesi viskoziteyi artırır. Organik arıtma yoluyla hektorit kilinin yapısını ve bileşimini değiştirerek, organokil, kalınlaştırma verimliliği ile dağılım kolaylığı arasında benzersiz bir denge sağlar.

Pigmentler, boyalara renk ve matlık sağlayan, have a tendency to settle at the bottom of the container over time. This settling not only affects the color consistency but also makes the paint formulation uneven and difficult to work with. Organoclay products acts as a suspension agent, creating a network within the paint that prevents or minimizes pigment settling.


Bentonite for Water Based Paints

Organoclay products like bentonite powder is widely used as a thickener in both solvent-based and water-based paints. When incorporated into paint formulations, bentonite acts as a rheological modifier. It improves the viscosity and flow behavior of the paint. This thickening property allows for better control over the application of the paint.

In solvent-based paints, bentonite prevents sagging or dripping during application, resulting in a more precise and controlled paint application process. In water-based paints, bentonite provides excellent thickening properties, contributing to improved consistency and stability of the paint. It assists in suspending pigments, preventing settling, and maintaining uniform color distribution throughout the paint.


Organoclays as Phase Transfer Agent

When organoclays are introduced into modification, it enables them to effectively transfer or distribute components between different phases. This phase transfer capability leads to a more refined and homogeneous microstructure within the blend. In the case of blends with droplets dispersed within a matrix, the presence of organoclays facilitates a more uniform distribution of the droplets, reducing their size and enhancing the dispersion.

With co-continuous morphologies, where two or more phases exist in interconnected networks, the addition of organoclay products leads to significant microstructural refinement. The organoclay acts as a facilitator for the transfer of components between the interconnected networks, ensuring better connectivity and distribution of the different phases. This refinement of the co-continuous microstructure enhances the blend’s mechanical strength, permeability, and other relevant properties.

Organoclay products that is used as a phase transfer agent are utilized in production of surfactants, emulsion polymerization processes, and in environmental remediation processes to facilitate the transfer of contaminants between different phases, such as soil and water.


Organoclay as Water Filtration Media

Organoclay products has proven to be a valuable water filtration media in various applications. It is useful particularly in the field of process and wastewater treatment. Its unique properties enable it to effectively reduce impurities and contaminants without undergoing significant swelling or clogging, making it an efficient choice for water filtration systems.

Organoclay products acts as a barrier that selectively filters out undesirable substances while allowing beneficial ones to pass through. The interlayer structure of organoclay provides a large surface area with numerous micro- and mesopores, which helps in trapping and retaining impurities. It targets specific impurities while leaving the desirable components unaffected. It has a high affinity for certain contaminants, such as heavy metals, organic compounds, and other pollutants, effectively removing them from the water.


Hydrocarbon Removal with Organoclay

Organoclay products, specially modified form of clay like bentonite, exhibits a high affinity for hydrocarbons. Its structure and composition allow it to adsorb and bind with hydrocarbon molecules, effectively removing them from the water.

Hydrocarbons can contaminate water sources through accidental spills, leaks, or discharge of oily wastewater. Petrochemical industry deals with the processing of hydrocarbon-based chemicals and products. Manufacturing processes of these chemicals involve the use of hydrocarbon-based solvents, oils, and lubricants.

Organoclay products as a hydrocarbon remover is used to treat industrial wastewater and remove hydrocarbons before discharge. Organoclay products are also used to remove hydrocarbons from wastewater to protect the environment, comply with regulations, conserve water resources, and maintain process efficiency. This prevents pollution, safeguard water quality, and mitigate the negative impacts of hydrocarbon contamination.


Reoloji Değiştiriciler

Manufacturers can achieve desired rheological properties. Organoclay products improve product performance and optimize the formulation for various applications. Organoclays as rheology modifiers offer versatility and control overflow characteristics.

Organoclay products can be used in low polarity, such as in non-polar solvents or low-polarity resin systems. It helps in improving the suspension and stability of solid particles, preventing settling and sagging in coatings, yapıştırıcılar, ve sızdırmazlık malzemeleri. It is also suitable for materials with moderate polarity, such as medium-polarity solvents or resin systems. It provides effective thickening and anti-settling properties, maintaining uniformity and preventing sedimentation in paints, mürekkepler, vesaire.

Organoclay products is utilized in systems with high polarity, including polar solvents or highly polar resin systems. It exhibits excellent rheological control, promoting enhanced stability and preventing sagging in high-performance coatings, gresler, ve sondaj sıvıları.

Organokil Ürünleri

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